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Rediscovering Regency

November 10, 2017


Since the two main events that we attended started to clash, because of date changes, we had a few years of missing the Jane Austen Festival, Bath, in favour of our local Weekend at the Asylum steampunk festival.  This meant that I did not make any new Regency outfits, as I was busy with steampunk.
Then, a wonderful thing happened…Asylum moved to August Bank Holiday weekend, and we were able to enjoy both again!  It was a joy to be back in Bath, in the September of 2015, and to be part of the Promenade, which had become an even bigger affair than it had been since last we were there.
The day had started off wet, but thankfully the rain stopped and the sun put in an appearance whilst people were gathering at the Assembly Rooms for the start of the Promenade, and it was lovely to see so many wonderful outfits.



The route had changed, taking in more of the fine city, but sadly missed out Royal Crescent and the Pump Room.  We did stroll down Gravel Walk, though.


It culminated in the Parade Gardens, where we could mingle and catch up with friends, take photos, and have refreshments whilst watching Steps in Time perform their country dances. 





Unfortunately, the clouds were gathering, and we were treated to another downpour, but like Captain Wentworth, many came prepared with their umbrellas…others decided to shelter under the trees…


Thankfully, the rain did not last long, so we were able to carry on socialising until people started to wander back into town. 

The lovely thing about wandering around Bath in Regency attire (notice that I do not say costume) is that it makes one feel connected with the Age of Elegance, and Jane Austen and her characters.  It is also lovely to see other promenaders just wandering, shopping, posing for photos, and chatting with friends and acquaintance…in fact this is the magic of Bath! 

Promenading certainly builds an appetite, so Robert and I headed to Hall & Woodhouse for a well-deserved lunch.


It’s not until you have been away from your favourite historical era for a few years, that you realise just how much you’ve missed it when you do reconnect…roll on the next event!

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